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MLS Area Four Market Information

This data set provides information regarding MLS Area 41, 42, and 43. If you click on the name of one of these areas in the chart, it will add or remove that area data from the graph of information.

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MLS Area Four Average Sales Price

Data Set: MLS Area Four, Average Sales Price, Last Three Years


MLS Area Four Median Sales Price

Data Set: MLS Area Four, Median Sales Price, Last Three Years

MLS Area Four New Listings

Data Set: MLS Area Four, Number of New Listings, Last Three Years

MLS Area Four Number of Homes For Sale

Data Set: MLS Area Four, Number of Home for Sale, Last Three Years


MLS Area Four Number of Pending Sales

Data Set: MLS Area Four, Number of Pending Sales, Last Three Years

MLS Area Four Closed Sales

Data Set: MLS Area Four, Number of Closed Sales, Last Three Years


MLS Area Four Average Days on Market

Data Set: MLS Area Four, Days on Market, Last Three Years

MLS Area Four Months Supply

Data Set: MLS Area Four, Monthly Housing Supply, Last Three Years


MLS Area Four Average Price Per Sq. Foot

Data Set: MLS Area Four, Average Price Per Sq. Ft., Last Three Years


MLS Area Four Average Number of Showings to Pending Status

Data Set: MLS Area Four, Average Shows to Pending, Last Three Years


MLS Area Four Dollar Volume of Closed Sales

Data Set: MLS Area Four, Closed Sales Dollar Volume, Last Three Years

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